The 100 Women Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity made up of women committed to supporting and changing the lives of those in need throughout the San Francisco Bay Area through collective giving. Since its foundation in 2006, they are a growing community of more than 500 women who are committed to improving the lives of the disadvantaged or underrepresented people of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Our members care passionately about our community and frequently discuss community issues. We combine our members’ financial resources to make large-scale grants a reality. Their philosophy is simple but powerful. For 14 years, the 100 Women Charitable Foundation has encouraged hundreds of women to take a more active role in local philanthropy. At their Annual Meeting and Grant Vote, they raise awareness of many worthwhile charitable opportunities within our community. They believe that a dedicated group of women can join together to make a significant impact in the lives of those in need. Over the past 14 years, the organization has awarded over $2 million in grants. 100 Women Foundation

A Better Balance is a legal team fighting to give American workers the time and flexibility they need to care for their families. They help to balance the demands of employment and home, ensuring that families are prioritized and not punished in the workplace. They lead the charge for policies that help families, such as sick leave, flex time, pay equality, anti-discrimination, and other issues that value family care. Their efforts help people who work outside and inside the home achieve a balance between providing and caring for their families. A Better Balance
Another Mother for Peace was founded in 1967 by a group of women strongly opposed to the war in Vietnam. Their mission was to create a non-partisan, non-profit organization “to educate women to take an active role in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes between nations, people, and ideologies.” Dedicated to the principle that war is obsolete, AMP encouraged its members to do Peace Homework by writing to elected government officials to express their desire for peace. They educate the public to take active roles in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes among nations and people. Another Mother for Peace
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women’s mission is to provide women with the skills, technology, networks, and access to capital that they need to become successful small and growing business owners, so that they can contribute to their economies and have a stronger voice in their societies. Working in partnership with non-profit, private, and public sector organizations, they develop projects with sustainable solutions to the challenges women entrepreneurs face through three programs centering on enterprise development, mentoring women in business, and mobile technology. Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Chicago Foundation for Women raises money to fund and support organizations that help women and girls—it’s all about making smarter connections between need, money, and solutions. Today, more than 37 years later, CFW continues to be the only organization in the region to take a comprehensive approach to understand and address the issues impacting Chicago-area women and girls. CFW works with a community of socially-minded investors who share our passion for improving the lives of women and girls, ensuring that every dollar they give achieves maximum impact. Thanks to these partners, CFW invests in the future of emerging organizations through leadership development and support in building sustainable nonprofit infrastructure. As a result, two-thirds of nonprofits for which CFW was the first institutional or ‘seed’ funder are still thriving 10 years after receiving their first CFW grant. Chicago Foundation for Women
URGE (formerly, Choice USA) envisions a liberated world where we can live with justice, love freely, express our gender and sexuality, and define and create families of our choosing. To achieve our vision of liberation, URGE builds power and sustains a young people’s movement for reproductive justice by centering the leadership of young people of color who are women, queer, trans, nonbinary, and people of low income. As a state-driven national organization, URGE organizes our communities, provides a political home for young people, advocates for meaningful policy change, and shifts culture, working in states where the challenges and opportunities are greatest. URGE
Family Equality Council connects, supports, and represents the three million parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender in this country and their six million children. They are changing attitudes and policies to ensure that all families are respected, loved, and celebrated—including families with parents who are LGBTQ+ and are a community of parents and children, grandparents, and grandchildren that reaches across this country. For 40 years, Family Equality Council has raised our children and raised our voices toward fairness for all families. Family Equality
MADRE is an international women’s human rights organization that works in partnership with community-based women’s organizations worldwide to address issues of health and reproductive rights, economic development, education, and other human rights. We provide resources and training to enable our sister organizations to meet these goals by addressing immediate needs in their communities and developing long-term solutions to the crises they face. They envision a world in which all people enjoy the fullest range of individual and collective human rights; in which resources are shared equitably and sustainably; in which women participate effectively in all aspects of society; and in which people have a meaningful say in decisions that affect their lives. MADRE
The Mary Kay Foundation is dedicated to ending women’s cancers and domestic abuse. Throughout her life, Mary Kay Ash showed others how to live and how to give. She gave hope to women who lacked opportunity, self-esteem, and financial support. Now her legacy of love lives on through The Mary Kay Foundation, which she began in 1996. Mary Kay Foundation
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America was created to demand action from legislators, state and federal; companies; and educational institutions to establish common-sense gun reforms. They are a non-partisan grassroots movement of American mothers demanding new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws, loopholes, and policies that for too long have jeopardized the safety of our children and families. Moms Demand Action
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to protect families from drunk driving and underage drinking. MADD also supports drunk and drugged driving victims and survivors at no charge, serving one person every eight minutes through a local MADD victim advocate. MADD
Mother Centers International Network for Empowerment (MINE) bring women and families into center stage and support them in building their confidence and ability to help themselves and each other. They re-integrate the culture of care into public life. Mother Centers have an impact on many levels: influence the quality of parenting and family relations as well as of neighbourhoods, contribute to social cohesion and integration in communities as well as bringing a grassroots voice to local governance. Mother Centers worldwide are grassroots, self-organized communities, supporting mothers, and families on a daily basis. Experience shows that mother centers were the answer to a historical need of mothers in the 1970th. They are still spreading around the world. They represent another kind of globalization: a globalization from the ground. This produced the need for a global network. So MINE was born. MINE
Supporting Child Caregivers, Inc. (SCC) was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on February 2017 for the purpose of supporting the caregivers of children in the United States and in countries around the world. It is SCC’s contention that the primary tasks of a child caregiver are to protect, nurture, and enjoy the child, and the mission of SCC is to provide training and educational support to child caregivers. Towards this end, SCC aims to expand the knowledge base of caregivers by providing useful and current scientific information about child development and mental health in order to aid them in their work with children and families. SCC
Mother Outlaws is a community outreach initiative of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Since 2004, Mother Outlaws has organized several events in the Toronto area to establish itself as a recognizable image and cultural signifier of how mothering against the institution of motherhood can be envisioned and experienced as empowering for women. Outreach initiatives include a Toronto Feminist Mothers’ discussion group, a continuing Mother Outlaws’ Speakers Series, special events, activist activities, media coverage, T-shirt sales, and assisting with the start-ups of Mother Outlaws groups elsewhere. The blog seems inactive since 2011, but the posts are still up. Mother Outlaws
Ms. Foundation For Women is responsible for amplifying women’s voices in order to create positive change. As a grassroots organization that began 50 years ago by four legendary women, today they are taking the charge of women’s issues nationwide. The Ms. Foundation works to bring attention to the real challenges facing women, especially women of color and low-income women, living in poverty, working paycheck to paycheck, or both. They support more than 100 organizations throughout the country that are working for change for women’s issues around affordable child care, health care, and discrimination. Ms. Foundation for Women
National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education. They are a non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBTQ community; provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBTQ issues. National Center for Lesbian Rights
The National Council of Jewish Women is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. The organization has been at the forefront of social change for over a century championing the needs of women, children, and families while courageously taking a progressive stance on such issues as child welfare, women’s rights, and reproductive freedom. NCJW is nothing less than the voice of, the place where women from across society come together to make the world at large and their communities, in particular, a better place. NCJW embraces all women who want to play a part at the local, national, and even global level. NCJW
National Council of Negro Women is an “organization of organizations” (comprised of 330 campus and community-based sections and 32 national women’s organizations) that enlightens, inspires, and connects more than 2,000,000 women and men. Its mission is to lead, advocate for, and empower women of African descent, their families, and communities. NCNW was founded in 1935 by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, an influential educator, and activist, and for more than fifty years, the iconic Dr. Dorothy Height was president of NCNW. Johnnetta Betsch Cole was elected Chair of NCNW in 2018, ushering in a new era of social activism and continued progress and growth for the organization. Today, NCNW’s programs are grounded on a foundation of critical concerns known as “Four for the Future”. NCNW promotes education with a special focus on science, technology, engineering, and math; encourages entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and economic stability; educates women about good health and HIV/AIDS; promotes civic engagement and advocates for sound public policy and social justice. NCNW
The National Partnership For Women and Families promotes fairness in the workplace, reproductive health, and rights, access to quality affordable health care, and policies that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family. Founded in 1971 as the Women’s Legal Defense Fund, the National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)3 organization located in Washington, DC. NPWF
National Women’s Health Network is dedicated to safeguarding women’s health rights and interests, the Network advocates for better policies on women’s health. The Network also provides science-based information and resource referrals to policymakers, the media, and individual consumers. NWHN
The National Women’s Law Center fights for gender justice—in the courts, in public policy, and in our society—working across the issues that are central to the lives of women and girls. We use the law in all its forms to change the culture and drive solutions to the gender inequity that shapes our society and to break down the barriers that harm all of us—especially women of color, LGBTQ people, and low-income women and families. For 50 years, we have been on the leading edge of every major legal and policy victory for women. NWLC
The National WIC Association (NWA) is the non-profit voice of the 12,000 public health nutrition service provider agencies and the over 6.3 million mothers, babies, and young children served by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). NWA provides education, guidance, and support to WIC staff; and drives innovation and advocacy to strengthen WIC as we work toward a nation of healthier families. NWA
Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center is a project of the Native American Community Board dedicated to addressing issues of Native American women’s health through education, counseling, scholarships, and other programs. Programs include the Domestic Violence Program, AIDS Prevention Program, Reproductive Health and Rights, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Program. Native American Women’s Health
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence‘s mission is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking, and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives. Their work includes coalition building at the local, state, regional, and national levels; support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives – such as safe home and shelter programs – for battered women and their children, public education and technical assistance, policy development and innovative legislation, focus on the leadership of NCADV’s caucuses developed to represent the concerns of organizationally under represented groups, and efforts to eradicate social conditions which contribute to violence against women and children. NCADV
The NAWL Foundation is the charitable and research arm of The National Association of Women Lawyers. Formed in 2008, The NAWL Foundation has become a leading center for innovative research and education about women in the law. The Foundation’s cutting-edge work includes the highly regarded NAWL National Survey on Retention and Promotion of Women in Law Firms, the first-ever National Survey of Women’s Initiatives, and a planned National Survey on Advancement of Women in Corporate Legal Departments. The NAWL Foundation’s focus is on benchmarking and analyzing the status of women in the profession as well as the factors that impact the extent to which women lawyers advance in their careers into executive and leadership roles. NAWL
Women For Afghan Women is a women’s human rights organization based in Kabul and New York. They were founded in April 2001, six months before 9/11, and since then have advocated for the rights of Afghan women and built programming to secure, protect and advance Afghan women’s human rights in New York and across Afghanistan. WAW

Equality not only guarantees basic rights but also plays a vital role in promoting the shared growth needed to end extreme poverty in our globalized world. Persistent constraints prevent many of the world’s women from achieving their potential have huge consequences for individuals, families, communities, and nations. World Bank Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity through the Voice and Agency Study
Women for Women International (WfWI) believes that lasting change can only be achieved when women have access to both knowledge and resources. WfWI works with socially excluded women in eight countries where war and conflict have devastated lives and communities. Each woman we serve has her own story–some of a loved one murdered, and others of physical and emotional trauma. Most have endured a struggle for survival. Women who enroll in our one-year program learn job skills and receive business training so they can earn a living. They come to understand their rights and how to fight for those rights in their homes, their communities, and their nations. They learn how to become leaders. Find out how to get involved in the US at Women for Women International
Women’s Rights NY is a progressive labor and employment law firm dedicated to the empowerment of women in the workplace. They represent individuals experiencing all forms of workplace discrimination, specifically those affecting women, including pregnancy discrimination; sexual harassment, gender pay disparity, and maternity leave violations under the FMLA, a growing phenomenon during these challenging economic times. Free initial consultation. Representation by prominent lawyers with over 50 years of experience in civil rights and advocacy. Women’s Rights NY